Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Definition of Love for Nature

So far, those who love outdoor activities are sometimes called nature lovers. Whether it's climber, cave search, outbound, survivor, etc. But here I will discuss 2 words that I hear very often during these 2 very simple words "love" and "nature". A very sacred word for humans who call themselves nature lovers. Because these two basic words are a prefix of the word nature lover.

Let's look at the definitions of these 2 words:

Love is a feeling that wants to share together or a feeling of affection for someone. Other opinion, love is an active action / activity carried out by humans towards other objects, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, giving love, helping, obeying words, following, obeying, and willing to do whatever the object wants.

Nature is all matter and energy, especially in the form of its essence. Nature is a subject of scientific study. On a scale, "nature" includes everything from the universe to sub-atoms. This includes all things animals, plants, and minerals; all natural resources and events (landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes). Also includes the behavior of living animals, and the processes associated with inanimate objects.

The following are some of the results of processing the 2 words above and their meanings;

Nature Lovers, nature lovers are people who do something that is active towards nature, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, giving love, helping, obeying words, following, obeying, and willing to do whatever nature wants.

From the above understanding it is very clear that nature lovers are not just climbers, cavers and others. Nature lover is a person / group who actively protects nature and its contents. Preserve them with all the effort and to the minimum to damage it. Because their love for nature has fostered a personal reactive towards everything that threatens the preservation of nature. They usually never call themselves nature lovers because they always think that what they are doing is something that is not worthy of being proud of but should always be improved.

Romance in nature is a love between one creature and another that occurs in nature. This can be either active or passive actions that cause 2 or more individuals to experience the feeling of love that is the location in nature. In simple terms, it can be said that there has been a love of location due to frequent meetings and frequent meeting intensities. Giving rise to feelings for the culprit.

Loving Nature, an expression aimed at individuals who directly protect nature. Loving nature can be done actively and passively because it places nature as an object to be loved and protected so as to produce activities aimed at preserving it and preventing over exploration.


To show their love for nature, some people try to keep it always in balance and healthy by doing preservation. The following are the examples:

Forest Preservation

Forest exploitation that continues from the past until now without offset by replanting, causing forest areas to be damaged. Illegal logging by humans is one of the main causes of forest destruction. Whereas forests are a pillar of life on earth, because forests not only provide food or production material, but also produce oxygen, retain soil, and store water reserves.

Efforts can be made to conserve forests:
  • Reforestation or replanting of bare forests.
  • Prohibit arbitrary deforestation.
  • Implement a selective cutting system in felling trees.
  • Implement a cutting-cropping system in logging activities.
  • Impose severe sanctions for those who violate the provisions regarding forest management.

Sea and Beach Conservation

Like forests, the sea is also a potential natural resource. Damage to marine and coastal life are mostly caused by human activities. Retrieval of beach sand, coral in the sea, destruction of mangroves, is a human activity that threatens the preservation of the sea and coast. The occurrence of abrasion that threatens coastal sustainability is caused by the loss of mangrove forests around the coast which is a natural protector against the waves.

The efforts to preserve the sea and the coast can be done by:

  • Conducting beach reclamation by replanting mangroves in the area around the coast.
  • Prohibiting the taking of coral reefs around the coast or on the seabed, because coral is a habitat for fish and marine plants.
  • Prohibit the use of explosives and other chemicals in fishing.
  • Prohibit the use of trawlers to find fish.

Preservation of Flora and Fauna

Life on earth is a system of dependence between humans, animals, plants, and the natural surroundings. Breaking one of the links of the system will cause disruption in life.

Lonely Lion

Therefore, the preservation of flora and fauna is an absolute concern for human survival. Efforts that can be made to preserve flora and fauna include:

  • Establish a nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary.
  • Prohibit illegal hunting activities.
  • Promote greening activities

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